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Climate change will loom large in 2024—here’s what red states can do about it

May 14, 2024

By Jeff Albee

In this opinion piece for The Hill, Jeff Albee stresses the importance of protecting citizens from extreme weather despite political sensitivities

As extreme and irregular weather events slam communities across the country, the subject of our changing climate will likely be a divisive issue in the upcoming election. Given political sensitivities, is it possible that government officials in more conservative areas can make smart investments in infrastructure preparation without triggering sensitive political tripwires?

The answer: yes, they can—if the right planning and right strategy blueprint is put in place. Fortunately, new technologies can make that planning and visualization both easier and faster, giving all constituencies a chance to see what’s at stake.

Read the full article in The Hill.

  • Jeff Albee

    Jeff supports science, engineering, and design technology advancements from the earliest research to the maintenance phase of Stantec’s digital products and projects.

    Contact Jeff
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